Ranking Modifications of Smartphone Results

Posted by Ajay Chandnani

June 18, 2013

Google 9 min read

It’s the smartphone age and a huge amount of constant internet users are those of having smartphones. And luckily Google has really given them great stuffs to fully enjoy the richness of the web. To further improve and update mobile web, Google has recently published its recommendations and several configuration mistakes just to help the smartphone users surf better, faster and with full of conveniences. Google has further declared various ranking changes in the forthcoming days that are misconfigured for users of smartphones.

Smartphone Results - Blurbpoint

Here are the most common mistakes and advice by Google.

Faulty redirects

It’s common that certain sites employ their different URLs to serve smartphone and desktop users. Wherein, a ‘faulty redirect’ takes place when a desktop page redirects users of smartphone to an inappropriate page on the smartphone-optimised site. Its distinctive instance is when every page on the desktop site redirects users to the homepage of the smartphone-optimized site. Such faulty redirects disturb users while they’re looking for information or anything on the webpage. Consequently, it will make users go elsewhere.

However getting rid of such redirects is very simple. Just redirect smartphone users from a desktop page to its ideal smartphone-optimized page. If the content doesn’t come in a format which smartphone support, showing the content of desktop is good enough than just passing on to an inappropriate page.

Smartphone-only errors

There certain sites that only serve content to desktop users but for the smartphone users- Errors! There are various scenarios wherein such errors are seen while accessing through smartphones. Such errors can occur if you wrongly handling Googlebot-Mobile and when smartphone-friendly page itself is an error page, or else you don’t serve to 404 errors etc. Then there is another smartphone-only error occurs when Adobe Flash isn’t payable on smartphone and so on.

To avoid such mistakes you have to treat Googlebot-Mobile user-agents in the same way like you’d treat the devices. For instance, Googlebot-Mobile user-agents recently recognizes itself as an iPhone and you need to treat it with the same response what an iPhone user usually would get.

Here are however, only two mistakes, but it’s hugely important on the part of the webmasters to get rid of smartphone website misconfigurations. Ensure to check out your website with an array of operating systems and mobile devices including their video testing on your site. This will certainly improve mobile web and simultaneously enables the users experience your content completely with peace of mind.


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