Posted by Sanket Patel
February 18, 2013
The online reputation management is a kind of method to understand or influence the reputation of any business. It provides people and businesses with full control over their online search results. Protecting your good name in today’s competitive world seems like a frightening affair. The reputation of your company is like most important asset. If it is damaged, one may lose clients and sales. A regular audit of your current position can help you in knowing your position and views of other people regarding your brand. This way, you can apply necessary steps to improve and maintain your online reputation.
In order to handle various negative issues that may harm your reputation, one needs to follow certain steps:
First of all, you need to monitor various things like: Brand name, Product names, product types, Vendors or Partners, Employees, Competitors, and other related Sites or Industries.
Secondly, you must know, where you monitor these things:
A) You can do so by looking at your own company blog and forums for various comments, including complaints and suggestions.
B) After going through your own blogs and forums, you can check out for the various other Blogs and forums across the Internet,
C) Social media sites are the best option to check for the opinions of a large number of people regarding your brand and other recent things in the market, You can also browse through various search Engines for any important information and get reviews of different people.
Thirdly, the thing which comes in mind after what and where to monitor, is how to monitor? The excellent way is to set up Google alerts related to your company. This will definitely, going to work for you. The other thing you can do is to stay up-to-date with your blog. A regular check on the comments can help you greatly in knowing what others think and feel about your company. You can also do a little research on your own on various search engines.
After monitoring all the Reputation Management relates issues, you find some complaints or issue that may need to resolve. You can do so by trying to contact the person who made the complaint. If you are not able to reach the person, you can provide your details on your blog, which should include your name, company name, phone number, and email, so that you can be reached easily. If it is a significant issue, address it in your company’s blog along with apologizing for any inconvenience faced by the person who made the complaint. You can also mention these issues and the steps taken by you for resolving these issues in your companies PR as well as in social media sites.