Our Successful SEO Strategies for a Ladies Innerwear Business

Posted by Vishal Parmar

March 31, 2022

SEO 26 min read

We Helped Ladies Innerwear Business to Grow Their Organic Traffic by 104%

In our recent client success story, we will show you how our comprehensive SEO strategies helped one of our clients acquire 45.82% growth in their revenue and gain 103.61% organic traffic.

About the Client

This eCommerce store sells a variety of premium quality lingerie and aims to normalize the taboo of ladies’ undergarments in Asian society. The online store is a one-stop solution for the best lingerie brands with a comfortable fit, affordable prices, and exceptional fabric quality. Customers can shop their favorite lingerie brands online in the comfort of home. This eCommerce store provides an extensive range of categories like lingerie, sleepwear, maternity, and accessories with new, trendy collections and designs every second week. 

Having a highly competitive niche, it was challenging for us to drive traffic to the client’s website and increase their overall organic sales. However, with our results-driven approaches and SEO strategies, we helped this client gain a whopping 45.82% increase in their organic revenue and improved the overall website ranking. We focused on performing a complete website audit and implemented various SEO techniques to drive maximum traffic and fulfill their business objectives.


  • Low Traffic

The client’s website had low or limited relevant traffic. The restricted traffic growth had stagnated the client business performance and brought limited revenue. With scarce relevant traffic, our main challenge was to generate revenue and drive positive sales. 

  • Duplicate Web Page Content

Regardless of the product or service, the search engine’s algorithm will always prioritize quality, original content. However, the client’s website content of most web pages was duplicated and repetitive, which explained why the website had limited reach. 

  • 404 Pages

Error 404s are a common occurrence on any website. However, it is imperative to solve this technical error as it may harm your SEO rankings. There were lots of error 404 web pages on the client’s website, which affected their overall SERP ranking.

  • Duplicate Meta Details

The meta details mentioned on the client’s SERP were duplicated and unauthenticated.

  • External and Internal Broken Link

Most hyperlinks in the client’s website were connected to either an empty page or a non-existent external web page. 

  • Low Performing Products

Most products displayed on the client’s website were underperforming, which conclusively impacted their overall sales. 

  • Low Volume of Web Page Content

Due to repetitive and duplicated website content, all the web pages on the website received a limited volume, thus affecting the overall user experience and SERP ranking.

  • Missing Products Description on Few Pages

Mentioning accurate and adequate product descriptions allows search engine users to gain a better understanding of the product. In the client’s case, some of their web pages had missing product descriptions, which significantly impacted the user experience.

  • Missing “Thank You” Page

Upon purchase of a product, the website should direct the customer to a thank you page. However, on the client’s website, there was a clear lack of this effective and unique feature.

  • Outdated Delivery & Return Policies on Product Page

The client’s website had outdated delivery and return policies on product pages, which created several complications.

  • Keywords Not Mapped with Pages

None of the web pages on the client’s website were mapped with relevant keywords, which restricted traffic growth, SERP ranking, and website visibility.

After countless hours of hard work and unmatchable efforts, we achieved the desired results. Our plan of action wasn’t short and sweet. It was rather long and well-thought. Let us start with a step-by-step breakdown of how we got the ball rolling!

Plan Of Action

After analyzing competitors’ backlinks, age of business, business niche, and client requirements, we created a results-driven plan of action for this client.

Step 1:

  • Website and Backlink Audit

 We decided to perform an overall website audit to understand the website’s credibility on Google. We also did the required backlink audit to identify all broken, toxic, and low DA links on all their web pages.

  • Competitor and Keyword Gap Analysis 

We also performed competitor analysis to understand all the strengths and weaknesses and identify areas where our client needed amendments. 

  • Keyword Suggestions

Instead of relying on a single keyword vertical, we decided to consider SEO keyword suggestions to find the client’s niche-oriented keyword ideas and rank higher on SERP.

  • Keyword Mapping With Relevant Pages

We did thorough keyword research and found relevant keywords that yielded good traction for the client’s business niche.  We optimized the targeted web pages to the targeted web pages on the client’s website. Out of 163 keywords, 11 were ranked in the top 3 positions, 28 were between the top 4 to 10, and the rest were under 100.

  • Fixing Technical SEO issues

We also worked on fixing all technical SEO issues on the website, including identifying 404 errors, low word count pages, redirections, Missing or duplicate meta, external and internal broken links, Non-index pages, orphaned pages, Links without anchor text, and more. 

  • Fixing Metadata Issues

We fixed all metadata issues impacting the search engine process and display results in the SERP.

  • Setup Google Analytics & Search Console

To gain better insights into performance and monitor server errors on the website, we set up Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Blog Call to Action 1

Step 2:

  • Top Performing Pages Optimization

We continued to optimize the top-performing web pages of the client’s website to drive maximum traffic and boost ranking.

  • Additional Web Page Suggestions

We identified the scope of adding new pages and created additional web page requirements.

  • GBP Optimization

We implemented and optimized the client’s GBP to rank higher on Google Maps and SERP. 

  • Additional Blog Topic Suggestions

We suggested a few blog topics that could allow higher website ranking and boost maximum traffic. By adding actionable content on the pages, posting regular and festival banners, and creating easy buying funnels for visitors, we helped this client acquire 61.78% organic traffic on total events and 55.27% on unique events.

  • Existing Blog Page Optimization

We also worked on identifying the website’s existing blogs and optimizing them with relevant keywords, H1, topics, required word count, and other missing aspects. 

  • Size Calculator Page Optimization

The size calculator allowed customers to determine the right size of lingerie wear before making the purchase decision. We optimized the web page to ensure accurate results.

Step 3:

  • Page Speed Optimization

We ensure overall page speed optimization to increase user experience.

  • Competitors backlink analysis

Next, we considered the competitor’s backlink analysis to rank higher in search engines and drive more traffic to the website.

  • Authority Niche Relevant Content-Base Link

We connected the client’s website with more niche-focused authority backlinks to earn higher search rankings.

  • GBP Posting

All the products, major deals, discounts, and more were displayed on GBP to build more chances of local 3-pack and building local ranking.

  • CRO Suggestions & Implementation

We also suggested and implemented conversion rate optimization (CRO) to gain maximum conversions.


  • Apart from implementing strategies and fixing required issues, we focused on achieving our organic goal, including moving up 2 to 3 web pages keyword ranking in the top 5 positions, adding valuable content and informative reviews from customers, considering festival offers and special discounts on specific products, performing speed optimizations for ranking purposes. 

Results? Within four months, we helped clients complete 37.29% of their organic goal 1 and 59.69% organic goal 2 in the next four months.

  • After identifying the potential pages and high ticket values product pages, optimizing those pages for the targeted keywords (following the Google SERP trend), adding the CTA buttons, and interlinking high authority pages, we helped this client gain a whopping 103.61% organic traffic growth.

  • Our results-driven approaches and SEO strategies helped this client acquire a 45.82% increase in their organic revenue.

  • By performing technical SEO, on-page SEO, and web page optimizations, the client’s website also gained 6.97k clicks and 147k impressions. Even their average position on the SERP has increased significantly

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