How Keyword Intent Can Boost Your Conversion Rate?

Posted by Vikram Rathod

June 11, 2021

What is Keyword Intent?

“Keyword Intent” in simple words is the purpose of a search made on the search engine. Whenever you require information regarding anything from the internet; the first thing you do is type a phrase that consists of words related to the topic. 

For the search engine specialists; it’s about what the users are most likely to think and type on the search bar. However, they can’t be sure about the exact search key phrases as there might be several keywords for an individual topic.

Keyword intent is one of the essential aspects to get the concept of keyword research right. This enables SEO researchers to gauge users’ requirements in a much appropriate way. Knowing keyword intent allows matching the website’s content to the searcher’s intentions. 

Studying keywords by intent is the primary step in checking for conversion problems while considering search referrals. 

Keyword intent type

Types of Keyword Intent:

There are 4 types of keyword intent. Let’s know each one by one.

1. Commercial Keyword Intent

Commercial or high keyword intent is also popularly known as the “BUY NOW” intent. This indicates maximum intention coming from the searcher to buy, join or subscribe. Action from the searcher is quite certain in this case. 

Keywords used for commercial or high intent:

  • Coupon (discount codes)
  • Buy online
  • Limited period offers/deals
  • FREE shipping available

Websites receive maximum traffic, leads, and return towards their CTA by using certain keywords which encourage such intent.

2. Informational Keyword Intent

Searching for details about a topic indicates an informational intent; this is more of an effort to understand rather than to buy or subscribe. Hence, it’s not suggested that the seller use the push marketing strategy to the searcher, however indulging them can benefit in ways of collecting data such as email addresses, contact details, etc. which can later help covert mere interests into leads and customers.

Queries here are completely just to learn of the concept and hence it should purely provide information to the searchers. 

Phrases containing like:

  • How to….
  • Why…
  • Professional/Best ways to…
  • What does it mean…..
  • Insight into…..
  • Know the history of…..

3. Transactional Keyword Intent

Transactional intent is a median to commercial and informational intents. Inquiries with a transactional intent can indicate both the purchase decision or even the urge to know (information) regarding the concept.

Having proper content and setup, searchers can be convinced into buying products or services; that’s having a successful conversion funnel. 

This intent is encouraged by keywords like:

  • Reviews for….
  • A VS. B
  • The Best….
  • Top 5 or Top 10…. 

4. Navigational Keyword Intent

Keywords that include brand names indicate navigational intent. This is considered to be the clearest form of search as the searcher exactly knows where he or she is headed to. This is also known as the pre-determined intent; where the searchers know the kind of activity they are getting into.

  • McDonald’s burger company
  • McDonald’s near me
  • McDonald’s menu

Searcher intent

How to Identify Keyword Search Intent?

It is a much simpler process to identify keywords. In fact, it is the use of common sense more than a successful SEO strategy. Most often, you can tell which are the keywords that are more likely to feature on the search bar related to a particular topic.

Google has been investing its time and resources into getting a better idea of what users want. So using this search engine as a guide can be extremely helpful. For instance, pay attention to the ‘Quick-answer” and the ‘People Also Ask’ search boxes. They both signify informational intent. Pay attention to Google shopping results as they signify commercial, or high-intent, searches. You should also monitor Google’s local results, knowledge graph, and ‘Search in Search’ features as they signify navigational searches.

Use tools that help you understand what the people really want. Serpstat is one such resource helping businesses understand searches and guide them accordingly. You can use this tool to find out which types of universal search results will be displayed when a particular search term is entered. This tool also gives you the ability to restrict the search to a specific search type, or particular intent. This can be invaluable if you are working on a certain marketing strategy.

How to Organizing Keyword Intent?

Once you have an understanding of keyword intent and the types that exist, it will give you the ability to better organize your content strategy. And in this way, you will be able to do a better job of converting your visitors and making your customers happy. Another important part of this process is organizing your keyword phrase by its intent.

Move 1: Identify the Intent and then relate it to a suitable kind of content

Keywords that have informational intent are simple and straightforward. They focus on the facts. These are pieces of content that you can send to your staff.

Keywords that have transactional intent are also factual. They focus on walking the user through your conversion channel. The content that would be used in this case is product lists, product manuals, comparison charts, FAQ pages, and etc.

Keywords that have commercial intent are those that have to do with the purchase. The content that would be used in this case would be product pages, product lists, and landing pages. Your SEO agency or consultant would need to do their best to optimize this content so that it reflects “buy now” phrases.

Keywords that have navigational intent are those that reflect your brand. In this case, they may include transactional phrases. So this should be organized. It’s a good idea to let your reputation management team handle this content.

Move 2:  Prepare a list based on the requirements

In a few cases, keywords may be used on the landing pages; in others, they may be more effective in optimizing the older content on the page.

Move 3: Create keywords according to your landing pages

There are times in which your transactional and informational queries will call for different types of landing pages and content in order to satisfy the users’ needs. For instance, you may create multiple blog posts which contain lists of your products for certain food menus with the inclusion of gifting offers. 

Create FAQ pages.  If your industry involves a lot of complicated terms, you may include on-site glossaries. You want your audience to have the answers to all the questions before they associate with your brand. This also creates a sense of credibility among your customers. You may also create different types of cornerstone content.


Processing keywords and getting them right is a time-consuming task. However, this task is important as it defines the potential marketing strategy based on each of the levels. Therefore, you need to be patient and not rush things in order to have a quick result.

Focusing on “User Intent” while planning and content optimization can enhance the entire marketing strategy and organize it to have a much more conversion-oriented outcome. 

The process of studying the keyword intent provides a target-oriented purpose to each of the web pages on a website; irrespective of the industrial backdrop.


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